Monday, April 10, 2006

April 10 - Blessed Anthony Neyrot, in the news

For more information on today's saint, see Saint-a-Day.

In the news:

Reprieve for St. Augustine's in New Orleans (Washington Post)
New Orleans parish slated for closure is given a reprieve, for now.

For a Greener Palm Sunday (Washington Post)
How parishes can use "green palms"

In Turkey, a Deep Suspicion of Missionaries (Washington Post)
Catholic Priest's death in Turkey unveils the tenuous links between Islam and the secular Turkish government.

Pray for all missionaries today, including former St. Boniface parishioner, Fr. Tom Nelson, CM, currently serving in Nairobi, Kenya.

Thousands show support for immigration reform
Including St. Louis Archbishop Burke - from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch


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